
Brand design

The human mind processes a logo far more elaborately than a supermarket scanner reads a barcode. Whenever the mind sees the logo, it triggers a lifetime of memories associated with the brand. Which why consistency is crucial when it comes to the logo and every other touchpoint of the brand.

Consistency for the brand is not just a colour, but a feeling. Everytime one sees a brand or its product, one must feel uplifted. This involves not just a designing a logo, but creating a system of delight and persuasion that’s hard to ignore. It’s how we rejuvenate a brand, energise its touch points, and set the tone and tenor for how it behaves.

It’s about evoking multi-sensorial triggers that make for a simple, unique and consistent brand experience. Simplicity and elegance is the smartest and the quickest way to the mind.

Creating a lucid brand architecture, we establish a clear niche and demarkation of a brand’s offerings. This deft combination of logic and emotions is how we make branding, a science and an art at the same time.

Demystifying design and making it measurable, bridging responses between the left and right brain. We don’t just design for behaviour, we design behaviour.